
更新时间:2022-10-11 来源:自然类 点击:




  十年九夏 ‖ 十梦九他

  小笨蛋° ‖ 大笨瓜°

  画个句号给昨天〃 ‖ 画个逗号给明天〃

  情到深处难自禁つ ‖ 柔肠百转冷如霜つ

  携手相爱 ‖ 执手相依

  国囯因囚 ‖ 囡囯因囚

  國産小伙こ ‖ 國産小妞こ

  陪你年少 ‖ 伴你白首

  对着月亮说晚安 ‖ 对着太阳说早安

  既然琴瑟起 ‖ 何以笙箫默

  咿呀咿呀哟~ ‖ 哎呦哎呦喂~

  你用酒把我灌醉 ‖ 我用爱令你心醉

  毁你我怕遭雷劈 ‖ 离你我怕遭天谴

  深碍~ ‖ 久绊~

  [好久不见] ‖ [不如不见]

  痴货i ‖ 吃货i

  北葵向暖〞 ‖ 南栀倾寒〞

  一闪一闪亮晶晶 ‖ 满天都是派大星

  老公°么么哒 ‖ 老婆°萌萌哒

  [为你痴狂] ‖ [为你狂吃]

  悲欢自饮ㄨ ‖ 冷暖自知ㄨ

  旺旺~ ‖ 喵喵~


  如曲终破尘 | 如歌澈婉颜

  Like the song dust | like song yan wan gwon-chul

  烈酒已备 | 故人未归

  Liquor for | did not return a friend

  ゾ守一座ㄣ空城 | ゾ等一位ㄣ旧人

  ゾ keep a be empty city | ゾ wait a be crucified

  三生烟火 | 一世迷离

  Be fireworks | I be blurred

  `衬衣夹克为你 | `高跟牛仔配你

  ` shirt jacket for you | ` high-heeled cowboy with you

  花间心安舞 | 月下自在眠

  Peace among the flowers dance | comfortable sleep under the moon

  づ黙认゛緈冨 | づ黙认゛耒来

  づ 黙 recognize ゛ 緈 冨 | づ 黙 recognize ゛ Lei

  那女人、咱疼 | 那男人、我爱

  The woman, I ache | that man, my love

  万般皆是命 | 半点不由人

  Life is burnished | any people

  靠他肩 | 抚她脸

  On his shoulder | stroke her face

  万人嫌 | 千人憎

  Ten thousand people too | ten thousand people hate

  暮冬-  | 初晴-

  Late winter - | attendance -

  捂耳听风 | 挽风入耳

  Cover their ears to listen to the wind | arm in the wind

  关灯有我在i | 开灯就是你i

  Turn off the lights in the I | I open lamp is you I

  桔梗花的海洋 | 蒲公英的半海

  A sea of the ocean of balloon flower | dandelion

  深情如许 | 与你白头

  Deep feeling so much | grow with you

  装天真 | 装幼稚

  With the naive | juvenile installed

  ゛-宿丶命│ ゛-纠丶结

  ゛ - lodge, life │ ゛ - remedy, knot


  The sunflower. | hin collector.

  亲爱的、挫人 | 亲爱的、挫神

  Dear, fell | dear, god

  为你痴狂 | 喂你狂吃

  Crazy for you | feed you eat

  情到深处人孤独 | 人到孤独更情深

  Deep affection to the people alone | to more deep loneliness


  ˇ I not Grosvenor LTD handsome | ˇ I not Bai Fu beauty

  颜不如初. | 人不如故.

  Yan is not the same. | not the same.

  执恋 |执爱

  Holds love | hold love

  熟悉的气息- | 陌生的氛围-

  Be familiar with the breath - | strange atmosphere -


  Sharpay |Zara。

  Taylor |Chad。

  Kelsi |Ryan。

  Gabirriella Troy。

  DeAr_M | DeAr_丫

  `sunlight | `sunflower

  、Aum | 、Mua

  q1n9、╮ | m1n9、╮

  King | Quee |

  Te amo 。 | Ti amo 。


  ˊ-SummeR | ˊ-WinteR

  No,Sir 。 | yEs,Madam 。

  Ⅰ Somnus | Ⅱ Somnus丶

  ←、Cloudy | Sunny、→

  kiss, lollipop | miss, lollipop

  丶 I Doser | 丶 Somuns

  "You are the heroine | You are the actor>

  _Climb, the | _Drift, the

  - Queen, marry me? | - Courtiers, marry me?

  e dust settles | ty with you

  ginning | he Results

  Chic | gentle

  WiNt Er. | SuMm Er.

  丶 I Doser | 丶 Somuns

  Passionate, M R3n | unfeeling, F
